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This course provides you, in your role as an end user or cloud administrator, with a solid overview of all the relevant features.

Discover tips and tricks that will make your everyday work substantially easier as you familiarize yourself with the “teamroom” concept. Learn how to create simple business processes and manage documents efficiently.

Training Contents

  • Operating basics
  • Collaboration with Teamrooms
    • User administration
    • Security settings
    • Watermarks
    • Hyperlinks vs. public links
    • Wastebasket and orphan objects
    • End-to-end encryption with Fabasoft Secomo
  • Working with objects and documents
  • Lists and display settings (sorting, grouping, filtering, etc.)
  • Creating simple workflows
  • Annotating and signing documents
  • Searching and finding
  • Templates and presets
  • The Fabasoft „Time travel" feature
  • Advanced user settings
  • Mobile working with the Fabasoft Cloud App (for iOS/Android)


Initial experience operating a Fabasoft Cloud product is a plus.

Training materials:

Training documents and examples will be made available in a Fabasoft Cloud Teamroom.


German (English possible by request at registration; documentation in English language)

Training details

EUR 750,- (exclusive of VAT)

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