Information in compliance with Sections 243c and 267b UGB (Austrian Commercial Code)
For years, Fabasoft AG has been pursuing a strategy of sustainable corporate development geared to long-term value creation for the benefit of its stakeholders. As a company listed in Germany and headquartered in Austria, Fabasoft AG is not obliged to comply with a Corporate Governance Code.
At the proposal of the Managing Board, the Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG has resolved that Fabasoft AG will in future voluntarily comply with the German Corporate Governance Code in the (current) version dated 28 April 2022 (published in the Federal Gazette on 27 June 2022) to the extent of the published Declaration of Conformity.
The contents of the German Corporate Governance Code for the management and supervision of listed companies and the internationally and nationally recognized standards of sustainable, transparent and responsible corporate governance set out therein are consistent with Fabasoft's corporate governance principles.
Each consolidated interim financial statement is currently subject to a voluntary review by the auditor exceeding legal requirements.
Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of Compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code by the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board
Corporate Goverance Report
German Corporate Goverance Code
Current version of the German Corporate Governance Code
Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Board
Current version of the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG
Director's Dealings
Publications in accordance with Fabasoft AG's publication obligations
Promotion of women and diversity concept
Fabasoft is committed to equal opportunities, regardless of origin, gender, age, religion or personal circumstances.
Equal treatment with regard to chances of promotion and compensation is a policy that has already been practised in the Fabasoft Group and in all its subsidiaries on all corporate levels for many years. There are women in managerial positions in various organisational levels, for example heads of division and authorised signatories. The proportion of women in technically-oriented companies is still low and it is for this reason that Fabasoft makes every effort to help women return to work by creating a female and family-friendly working environment. The corporate childcare centre “FABIs Kindernest” opened at the Linz location in January 2021. FABIs Kindernest helps employees reconcile work and family life. The percentage of women at Fabasoft was 25.6 % as at 31 March 2022. There are flexible workingtime models available for those who wish to make use of them, to accommodate the combination of family and work commitments. Approximately 17.3 % of all employees in the Fabasoft Group were employed on a part-time basis as at 31 March 2022.

One of the four positions on the Supervisory Board of Fabasoft AG has been held by a woman since 2013, which corresponds to a 25 % quota for female representation among the shareholder representatives. This is an above-average value for Austria. Particular attention is paid to diversity with regard to expertise and experience in the composition of the Supervisory Board. The aim is to ensure a Supervisory Board with a well-balanced specialist composition with a view to the business activities of the company. The current members of the Supervisory Board unite experience from both the university and commercial sectors with a national as well as international dimension. The shareholderrepresentatives are between 58 and 75 years old.
There are currently no women on the Managing Board of Fabasoft AG.
Remuneration Policy and Remuneration Report
Remuneration Policy
Pursuant to §78b AktG (Austrian Stock Corporation Act), the remuneration policy must be presented to the Annual General Meeting for voting at least every 4th fiscal year as well as at each material change, whereby the vote is of a recommendatory nature and a resolution is not contestable. For the frist time the remuneration policy was presented to the Annual General Meeting on 29 June 2020 for voting.
Remuneration Report
In a listed company, the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board shall prepare a clear and comprehensible remuneration report in accordance with Section 78c Austrian Stock Corporation Act (AktG). The remuneration report shall provide a comprehensive overview of the compensation granted or owed to current and former members of the Managing Board in the course of the last financial year under the remuneration policy (Section 78a AktG and Section 98a AktG), including all benefits in any form.
Managing Board and Supervisory Board
Managing Board
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Fallmann, Chairman of the Managing Board (CEO)
Ing. Oliver Albl, Member of the Managing Board (CTO)
Matthias Wodniok, Member of the Managing Board (CGO)
The Managing Board conducts business in accordance with the existing Rules of Procedure. In addition, the members of the Managing Board also hold management positions in subsidiaries.
Supervisory Board
em. o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Friedrich Roithmayr, Linz (Chairman of the Supervisory Board) DIin Ingrid Schaumüller-Bichl, Linz (Member)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann, Innsbruck (Member)
Mag. Michaela Schwinghammer-Hausleithner, Linz (Member)
Commitees of the Supervisory Board
Audit Committee
Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann, Innsbruck (Chairman of the Audit Committee) DIin Ingrid Schaumüller-Bichl, Linz (Member)
Mag. Michaela Schwinghammer-Hausleithner, Linz (Member)
em. o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Friedrich Roithmayr, Linz (Member)