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Fabasoft PROCECO

The ecosystem for high-performance business processes.

Mann schaut auf Tablet
Industrial DMS/QMS
Accelerate document and quality processes with Fabasoft Approve.
3 Personen sitzen an Besprechungstisch
Meeting Management
Organize and manage your meetings securely and traceably with Fabasoft Boards.
Mann lest einen Vertrag auf Papier und am Tablet
Contract Management
Manage your contracts smart and easy with Fabasoft Contracts.
Fabasoft DORA - Digitales Auslagerungsmanagement
Outsourcing Management
Use Fabasoft DORA to demonstrably meet regulatory requirements and benefit from efficient audit processes.
Fabasoft Oblivation on PROCECO-Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung
Sustainability Reporting
Fabasoft Oblivation provides you with customised answers for your CDP questionnaire.
lächende Dame
The future of digital business management
Frau arbeitet am Laptop
Personnel File
Accelerate your HR processes. Securely.
Frau in blau-weiß gestreiftem Hemd arbeitet mit einem Tablet.
Publish your content with Fabasoft Xpublisher in a borderless, media-neutral way.

Fabasoft eGov

The ecosystem for efficient file management.

Fabasoft eGov-Suite - Aktenverwaltung
Public Administration
Manage records digital with the Fabasoft eGov-Suite.
Fabasoft Contracts on eGov - Vertragsverwaltung
Contract Management
Manage contracts in a legally secure way with Fabasoft Contracts.
Fabasoft Done on eGov - Automation
Automate administrative processes intelligent with Fabasoft Done!
3 lachende Frauen sitzen gemeinsam an einem Tisch
Personnel File
Manage personnel files efficiently with Fabasoft Talents.

Mindbreeze BDI

The ecosystem for successful business decisions

Mindbreeze InSpire - Enterprise Search
Enterprise Search
Mindbreeze InSpire offers AI-based individual 360-degree views of corporate knowledge.
Mindbreeze BidForce - Angebotsmanagement
Proposal Management
Mindbreeze InTend provides a customized solution for the requirements of RFP & proposal management.