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Fabasoft PR-Team
Honauerstrasse 4, 4020 Linz
Phone: +43 732 606162-0
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Press releases
Below you will find the press releases of the Fabasoft Group of the last two years. All other releases can be found in the press archive.
Mindbreeze Unveils AI-Powered Insight Workplace at AI Summit NYC
Mindbreeze is named “a Leader” in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Dedicated Knowledge Management Solutions 2024 Vendor Assessment
Mindbreeze's Four Trends 2025: AI Agents and Hyper-Automation
Fabasoft Approve
Mindbreeze is AI partner of Fabasoft Approve
Redefining document and quality management with artificial intelligence
Mindbreeze InTend: AI-based Solution for RFP and Proposal Management
Fabasoft Approve
NEM Energy B.V. relies on Fabasoft Approve to manage technical documents along the supply chain
Data migration and project implementation within three months
Mindbreeze InSpire Available on the Google Cloud Marketplace - Easy global access to Insight Engine services
Fabasoft Xpublisher
Fabasoft Xpublisher maps Taskforce IT-Standards: Practical real-time use from day 1
Fabasoft Approve
Control 2024: Fabasoft Approve presents “AI game changer” for data management along the supply chain
Mindbreeze and Smart Digital Transformation form strategic partnership to optimize enterprise portal data management
Mindbreeze Positioned as a "Leader" in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Knowledge Discovery Software for Internal-Facing Use Cases
Fabasoft Xpublisher
Xpublisher named champion and positioned highest in "Cloud Digital Asset Management" category