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In this course you will learn how to make optimal use of Mindbreeze Enterprise Search in a Fabasoft Folio and Fabasoft eGov-Suite Environment and how it all works together.

After the basic setup process we will create new indices step by step, while keeping in mind the particular requirements of Fabasoft Folio. Meanwhile, we will also configure the Fabasoft Folio settings and set up automatic indexing.

Focal points of this course will be user authentication, configuration of public/private key certificates as well as ACL-checking of search results. Together we will implement the new Producer-Consumer-Concept, which provides system reliability and optimal indexing and search performance.

Additionally, we will also cover best practices and configuration tricks in order to make you even more successful with setup and analysis.


Covered Topics 

  • Architecture
  • Installation
  • Creation and Configuration of a new Index
  • Assigning Indexing Service Objects to COO-Stores
  • Manual and AT-Job Indexing
  • Mindbreeze Configuration Objects
  • Reindexing including Correlation to Folio
  • Backup and Recovery
  • Certificates for Mindbreeze
  • Configuration of a Mindbreeze Client Service
  • Creating a Portal Search in Folio
  • Protocol Directories and their Functions
  • Producer-Consumer-Concept


At least some experience with administration of Fabasoft Products (Fabasoft eGov-Suite or Fabasoft Folio) as well es preliminary experience with Mindbreeze are recommended.

Training materials:

Training documents and examples will be made available in a Fabasoft Cloud Teamroom.


German (English possible by request at registration; documentation in English language)

Training details

EUR 1500,- (exclusive of VAT)

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