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Get all news and information concerning Fabasoft products directly from the Fabasoft experts. It is our pleasure to invite you to the Training "Fabasoft Folio Use Cases". Benefit from outstanding training services to optimize your investment in Fabasoft’s state-of-the-art software!

In this training you are going to learn the basics and use cases of Fabasoft Folio.

Training Contents

Fabasoft Folio Basics 

  • Product overview
  • Fabasoft folio architecture (overview)
  • User basics
  • Working with objects
  • Basic settings

Document Management 

  • Importing and exporting content
  • Reading and editing content
  • View and column settings
  • Term-based tagging
  • Searching and search folders
  • Versioning
  • Integrations with Microsoft Office
  • Best Practices

Mobility and Accessibility 

  • Folio Client
  • Folio folder and synchronized folder
  • Folio network drive
  • Accessibility
  • Keyboard handling


  • Teamroom concept
  • Permissions
  • Teamroom specific functionality

Contact Management 

  • Organizations
  • Persons
  • Communication list and journal
  • Contact management app

Business Process Management 

  • Overview
  • The work list
  • Processes
  • Ad-hoc process changes
  • Role concept
  • Substitutions

Compliance Management 

  • General features of business objects
  • Working with documents
  • Working with records and cases
  • Archiving


  • Overview of customizing objects
  • Comparison of "Templates and Presettings" app with classic functionality

Training materials:

Training documents and examples will be made available in a Fabasoft Cloud Teamroom.


German (English possible by request at registration; documentation in course language)

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