Success Story
Siemens Gas and Power: Cross-plant collaboration

“Coordination and approval processes with our external partners, such as suppliers and end customers, were significantly accelerated. The integration into the Siemens infrastructure, especially SAP Plant PDM, was rapidly achieved.”Harald Hümmer Head of System Quality, Siemens Gas and Power GmbH & Co. KG

Siemens offers its customers integrated, turnkey power plant solutions, such as gas or steam turbine power plants. Previously, project management and documentation organization required an enormous amount of effort. Siemens employees made documents available on a download server and informed business partners about them by email. Feedback and approvals would then come back by email and had to be manually entered into SAP Plant PDM. Due to the high administrative effort involved, Siemens decided to use cloud-based software for project documentation.
With just a few clicks, the latest versions of drawings, diagrams, or plans are available to those involved in the process. The "time travel" function offers complete traceability: the status of an entire project in the past, including all changes and approvals, can be viewed at any time.
Fabasoft Approve's digital project documentation allows the end customer to continuously update the documentation even after the project has been completed by incorporating documents, updates, and revisions. In contrast to the previously “frozen” version, the technical documentation thus always remains up to date.