Success Story
Primetals Technologies relies on digital plant documentation

“With Approve we have found a state-of-the-art, highly customizable platform for exchanging technical documents with our customers, suppliers, and internal project members.”Gerhard Guger Head of Project Coordination Casting & ESP, Primetals Technologies

In major projects with a duration of up to three years, up to 50,000 documents belonging to the plant documentation (as-built documentation) need to be exchanged securely. This includes documents such as production drawings, specifications, parts lists, or manuals in accordance with contractually defined requirements.
Customers and manufacturers receive automated notifications about the receipt of new documents. The software enriches documents with metadata such as version, language, engineering package, customer number, and contract number and displays these transparently for customers in the portal.
Every digital transmission of a transmittal, including the associated documents and business letters, is clearly displayed. All transmittal packages are available to the customer for the entire duration of the project. This makes it possible to trace at all times who received or downloaded which document, when, and in which version.