Efficient publishing
Collaborate in a single source of truth and publish books in all formats.
Transparent workflows
Benefit from predefined workflows or create your own.
Easy collaboration
Easily integrate external authors.
Create structured content
Use guided authoring to intuitively create structured content in XML format such as JATS BITS and parsX or work with your existing Word documents. Keep the spotlight on your content and lay the foundation for multiple uses, process automation, and AI support.

Accelerate your work with AI
Use generative AI to create text variations such as summaries, blurbs, marketing and press copy, or translations at the touch of a button and automatically tag digital assets. Generate alternative text for images with AI to meet digital accessibility requirements.
Streamline book production
Produce print products with up to 100 % automation using InDe-sign or PrintCSS. Integrated page planning and workflow man-agement provide a comprehensive overview and optimize your production process. Target your readership across all formats, both print and digital, such as EPUB, PDF, MOBI and Kindle.

Enhance collaboration
The integrated workflow engine creates time and space for creative work by digitizing processes such as reviewing, editing, and proof-ing. Integrate external agencies and authors by means of granular access rights management. Clearly defined workflows and areas of responsibility provide a transparent content lifecycle and encourage efficient collaboration.
We found the system’s ease of configuration and rapid deployment capabilities quite compelling. The successfully com-pleted proof-of-concept delivered on our expectations and underscored the software’s initial appeal. We’re looking forward to making the full transition to Xpublisher.Helen Schön Head of Production, Kohlhammer
Schedule your personal live demo now
Our experts will be happy to get in touch with you to discuss your requirements and then present the most important functionalities of the solution in a live demo.
Success stories
Xpublisher is used successfully in numerous companies around the world. We would be happy to write the next success story with you!