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Print production

Easily prepare your content for different print formats. Xpublisher accompanies you throughout your entire publishing process - from topic planning, editing, asset management, page planning, collaboration with external parties to the finished print product.

Process optimization with AI

Use AI to automatically create text variants such as summaries, teasers or translations. Provide digital assets with suitable tags and generate AI-based alt texts for accessible content.

Standardizes interfaces

Connect Xpublisher to any applications, systems and devices thanks to flexible connectors and well-documented programming interfaces.

Automated production

By integrating InDesgin, you can produce your print publications with a degree of automation of up to 100 %.

Page and production planning

Xpublisher offers professional page and production planning for your print products. Keep track of your layouts and media production.

Variant management

Whether language, region, brand or output channel: Organize different variants of your content simply and clearly.

Multichannel publishing

One content for different channels: With Xpublisher, you can create and edit your content in a media-neutral way and publish it automatically to any digital channel. This saves you time, ensures the quality of your publications and increases your reach in a targeted manner.

Mitarbeiterin vor Notebook

Image conversion

With dynamic image conversion, you can automatically transform images when downloading or using them with third-party systems.

Single source of truth

With digital asset management, you can store your digital assets in a single source of truth for efficient multiple use on all channels.

Process optimization with AI

Use AI to automatically create text variants such as summaries, teasers or translations. Provide digital assets with suitable tags and generate AI-based alt texts for accessible content.

Standardized interfaces

Connect Xpublisher to any applications, systems and devices thanks to flexible connectors and well-documented programming interfaces.

Automated publishing

Produce your content fully or partially automatically for all channels. Thanks to the connection to Adobe InDesign and Print CSS, you can create customized publications.

Production planning

Xpublisher offers professional production planning for your products. Easily edit layout-intensive projects using Adobe InDesign.

Variant management

Whether language, region, brand or output channel: Organize different variants of your content simply and clearly.

Language management

Xpublisher supports multilingual content. You can connect translation memory systems via an interface and integrate them into the workflow management.

Woman with glasses and in a white blouse sits in front of a laptop and smiles into the camera.

Digital asset management

With Xpublisher DAM, you can store your digital assets in a single source of truth and ensure efficient multiple use on all channels. Give your team quick access and optimize collaboration.

Single source of truth

With digital asset management, you can store your digital assets in a single source of truth for efficient multiple use on all channels.


Simply store metadata for your assets independently and strategically and find them again in seconds.

Filter and search system

Access your assets quickly with the AI-based filter and search system based on a full-text search and intuitive keywording.

Variant management

Whether language, region, brand or output channel: Organize different variants of your content simply and clearly.

Image conversion

With dynamic image conversion, you can automatically transform images when downloading or using them with third-party systems.

Version management

Automatically log textual and structural changes. Thanks to versioning, you can keep track of every change and restore previous versions if required.

Workflow management

With the integrated workflow engine, you can digitize complex workflows. The graphical BPMN editor supports you with simple customization.

Online XML editor

The XML editor integrated in Xpublisher enables agile work on media-neutral content - without any technical knowledge. Benefit from unlimited collaboration for a holistic overview of your content creation.

A female editor sits in front of a laptop and creates XML content.

Offline editing

Validate XML content even without an internet connection thanks to automatic saving. If an online connection is established, the content is synchronized back to the web server.

WYSIWYG interface

Create content in a WYSIWYG view thanks to the display of XML content in a Word-like view. Any elements such as table of contents, footnotes, links, images, etc. are supported.

Structured content

Validate XML content (standards from any industry, e.g. LitML (parsX), JATS, JATS bits and publisher-specific schemas) in real time.

Guided authoring

Create XML content even without XML experience like Subject Matter Experts when entering structured content, even within multi-layered document structures.

Lazy loading

The XML editor enables smooth display and editing, even for documents with more than 1,000 pages.

Search & replace

Search & replace is possible for both content and structural elements such as attributes.

Customizable user interface

The XML editor has a customizable user interface including language and offers automatic support for Unicode languages.

External interfaces

Use interfaces for all relevant third-party applications: Acrolinx, for example, helps to match the “tone of voice” of a brand. Edifix automates the management of reference lists.

Change tracking

Change tracking highlights all changes to text and elements for all users - regardless of whether you are working in intuitive, technical or XML editor mode.

Comment function

In the XML editor, users can exchange information with each other and quickly agree on the correct content. Annotations can be added to the text, a table or an image; comments can be marked as read.

Language management

Xpublisher supports multilingual content. You can connect translation memory systems via an interface and integrate them into the workflow management.

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