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< 5 days
for a complete first draft with gap analysis
quality promise via human expert review of all answers
time saved writing and improving your CDP disclosure
EU Cloud Code of Conduct, Level 3
Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalogue (C5)
IDW PS 880
ISAE 3402 Type 2
ISAE 3000 SOC2
Two people standing in an office looking at a tablet
Illustration of a CDP document progress

Spend less time reporting and more time achieving your goals

Oblivation is an AI agent built for CDP reporting and managed by human CDP experts.

Cut weeks of manual work on data collection and question-answering.

Assess response quality with score prediction

Oblivation predicts your score before submission. Secure peace of mind and a high-quality disclosure.

Work with our CDP experts to improve performance on all questions.

Illustration of a score prediction
Illustration of a gap analysis

No more emailing colleagues to collect data

Avoid emailing back and forth to request data from busy colleagues across departments.

Upload all relevant internal files during onboarding to generate a first draft.

Identify gaps and collect data from colleagues using a workflow designed for CDP.

No concerns about AI ‘making up’ unsupported answers

Only generate answers with precise references to the documents used as evidence.

Send unsupported answers to the relevant internal expert with instructions to add data.

Illustration of question and answer dialogue
Illustration of a list of used document sources
Illustration of a CDP answer in a teamroom

Collaborate in a tool designed for the ideal CDP reporting process

Manage your reporting project using comments and automatic tracking of all changes.

Assign tasks and set deadline reminders for uploading documents or editing answers.

Forward answers to investor relations and executives for final approval before submission.

Improve disclosure performance with on demand access to CDP experts

Partner with our experts who support you with sustainability reporting queries year-round.

Deliver progress on your sustainability goals that drive your high-quality CDP disclosure.

Woman wearing a headset sits in front of a laptop

Schedule your personal live demo now

Our experts will be happy to get in touch with you to discuss your requirements and then present the most important functionalities of the solution in a live demo.