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constant traceability of all audit logs thanks to the time travel function
faster turnaround time from contract preparation to signing
certified data storage in Europe (either in AT, DE or CH)
EU Cloud Code of Conduct, Level 3
Cloud Computing Compliance Criteria Catalogue (C5)
IDW PS 880
ISAE 3402 Type 2
ISAE 3000 SOC2
Mann arbeitet am Laptop

Structure your decision-making.

Defined templates and checklists in Fabasoft DORA ensure a simple and structured initial classification of ICT services.

Automated and concise summaries also facilitate the preliminary decision regarding possible outsourcing.

Involve all stakeholders in your review processes.

After a positive initial assessment, a standardized review process ensures full compliance with all regulatory requirements. Electronic workflow signatures document every incident in a verifiable manner.

The integration of external partners also enables documents and certificates to be submitted without media discontinuity.

Auditsitutation mit zwei Personen
Laptop mit Screenshot eines Vertrages

Conclude contracts quickly and in compliance with DORA .

Clause libraries and templates support the automated creation of contract documents, taking into account all necessary clauses.

The "external area" and integrated digital signatures ensure efficient and transparent contract negotiations.

Keep an eye on your assessments and tasks at all times.

Digital workflows reliably control the execution of all recurring assessments. Emails and push notifications remind those responsible of their tasks.

Monitoring reports provide an overview of open activities and safeguard the completeness of records and documentation.

Laptop mit Ansicht von Diagrammen
Auditsitutation mit zwei Personen

Report at any time at the touch of a button.

With Fabasoft DORA, you can create the necessary audit reports, such as the information register in accordance with ITS, at the touch of a button and submit them securely to the supervisory authorities.

This means you are always ready to provide information, even in the event of ad hoc requests.

Read more about DORA.

Drei Maenner in einem Meeting
Digital outsourcing management
Utilizing the synergies between the register of information and the outsourcing register
FCH Gruppe Logo
Digital contract management and DORA
Automated fulfillment of DORA documentation and reporting obligations
Finanzunternehmen Umsetzung DORA
Implementing DORA: How digital contract management can support you
With digital tools for audit-proof documentation and automated creation of ad hoc and audit reports

Get to know our software.

We will be happy to show you our solution for efficient outsourcing management and the reliable implementation of DORA in a cost-free and non-binding consultation.

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